Moment by Moment

Moment by moment He draws me
Time and again He does call
My hunger grows for His presence
His touch still excites and enthralls

For my true love is no stranger
To the things that my heart finds so dear
He listens close and intently
Takes his hand and dries each single tear

Yes moment by moment He caresses
Does not matter what time of the day
Even simple issues He addresses
He knows just the right thing to say

I encourage you to come know this lover
I implore you to come see His face
He will give you a thrill like no other
The sweet joy of full mercy and grace

It is really what we all truly seek
It is the hole that all our hearts feel
And this lover must just one word speak
For our souls to instantly heal

Go to Him moment by moment
Don’t let one minute pass without Him
You will know true peace in an instant
You can call Him your lover then

Song of Solomon 2:10 My beloved spake and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.