Enjoy the Ride!!

If you really trust God for the journey, the destination doesn’t really matter. Enjoy the ride

Are we there yet? Why is it taking so long? I gotta go to the bathroom. He hit me first. I’m bored! I don’t feel good. Are we there yet?

I remember those wonderful days of trying to sedate the kids with antihistamines, anti-nausea, decongestants and even tempted to slip them a ‘mickey’ just to get 10 hours of uninterrupted driving. Why don’t they get it? We are moving along at a good speed and if they will just ‘shut-up’ (I dare not let them hear me say those forbidden words), the trip would at least seem shorter.

Instead I hear; ‘I’m hungry! Can I get some ice cream at the next stop?’

Oh how I wish they could just sit back and enjoy the ride.

So does my Father in heaven say to me. Sit back Michael. Enjoy the ride. As long as I am driving, the destination doesn’t matter. Enjoy the ride.

If you really trust God for the journey, the destination doesn’t really matter. Enjoy the ride

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.