God’s Trap Doors: Poverty as Privilege

Either our God has an incredible sense of humor or bad timing. The modern day premise is converted to a promise. If ‘God opens up a door, He opens up another even better door. We have been seduced to think that God owes us something. If I search long enough, wait long enough, fast enough (and in the process lose weight), I will gain the privilege that is due me. God opens doors for each door He closes. I am learning it is often a trap door.

It is the blessing of deprivation. The privilege of poverty is what we are told to seek as we walk with Christ. It is the peace of not depending on the latest Wall Street report. It is the joy of asking God to help me rely on Him and then coming to the realization that He answers that prayer.

I quit a job to serve Him. He provides the increase. I deny an indulgence of perceived prosperity; He provides the necessity of perfect peace.

God opens doors to every desire I perceive, conceive, dream of or envision. He opens the door then He opens another door…., a trap door. Take the trap door. It is God’s choice for you. It makes you depend on Him. Ask Him. He will open the door.

John 14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

But made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant (Philippians 2:7)