Lord give me

Lord give me the Discipline of Indifference

  1. Indifferent to being liked. It distracts my pursuit of loving.
  2. Indifferent from being desired. It makes me egocentric.
  3. Indifferent from being right. It makes me judgmental.
  4. Indifferent from being comforted. It makes me self seeking.
  5. Indifferent from being Recognized. It makes me rob You of glory.
  6. Indifferent from being fulfilled. It takes away my hunger for You.
  7. Indifferent from being comfortable. It makes me forget those who live in despair.
  8. Indifferent from being safe. I won’t risk danger for those in real peril.
  9. Indifferent from being lonely. I need to be alone and intimate with You.
  10. Indifferent from being attractive. I focus on the appearance to men, and ignore what you see.

Lord give me the discipline of indifference.