Perfect Peace

The headlines of the newspapers read
Sleep better our now our enemy’s dead
Indeed, oh my, we finally got him
Blew himself up before we shot him
Let’s get back to entertainment instead

The man on the breaking news said
Active shooter keep low cover your head
The police are now in hot pursuit
However he is still able to shoot
I groaned and got back in bed

Be careful where you step or tread
In mosque where your prayer rug is spread
In church, or synagogue when praying
Make ‘keep us safe’ the words you’re saying
Give us protection as our daily bread

Things that cause deep fear and dread
Is the bad news I am constantly fed
Violence, brutality, vengeance and greed
Done in God’s name by some some creed
Dear Lord please say what lies ahead

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Isaiah 26:3 KJV