Seduction in Shopping

A beautiful woman stood next to me in the grocery line. In fact, she was ‘drop-dead’ gorgeous, almost as pretty as my wife. (That should make up for the first line). But at this point, I was not thinking about my wife. (There go those points!)

So, I started talking to her. It only seemed natural, especially since Kay was nowhere to be seen at the moment. After all, what could be the harm? We were here, in the same line, and there were many things we had in common. She had bread and milk and cheese and dog food…, and…, well, what could be the harm? We talked a bit and it never occurred to me to mention Kay’s name, nor the fact that I was married. That is, until Kay stepped up with the broccoli and spinach. ‘Oh, by the way, this is my wife, I said sheepishly’.

I looked at Kay and exclaimed. “Hey sweetheart! This lady and I were just talking about dogs!” From Kay’s reaction I know I should douse myself with flea powder as I would be sleeping with the dogs that night.

Such is the scenario of seduction. This scene never really happened. Like the disclaimer on so many television shows, it is only a portrayal of events that might happen. Or is that true?

Every day as a Christian I am confronted with the challenge of denying my first love. I am enthralled with something, or someone and to mention that I am in love with someone else is inconvenient. I would rather appear to be free, unattached and in tune with the times than to confess that I belong to Jesus.

The Bible tells me that I shall love the Lord my God with all of my heart, with all of my strength and with all of my soul. Jesus said that is the first and greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37-38).

Any relationship that puts Jesus in second place will ultimately be destroyed. God commands and clearly states that I shall have no other Gods but Him (Exodus 20:3). This is not only a commandment but also a statement of fact. Any god, person, thing, habit, goal, or desire that I put before the Lord God will ultimately disappoint me and can even destroy me.

Back to the lady in line with me. As we finish our shopping, I am again enthralled with just how beautiful my wife really is. Having her with me has kept me from falling into sin. She has been my salvation from sin and a reminder that I am called to be holy.

Loving God is just that way. Denying Him allows me to drift into shameful relationships and practices. Owning Him openly as my first love gives me the freedom to walk through the shopping lanes of life, completely free to choose the things I want in any aisle, as long as He is recognized as my first love.

Salvation from sin and the grace to keep me from sinning come only in openly acknowledging that Christ is Lord.

Mt 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

Seduction in Shopping

A beautiful woman stood next to me in the grocery line. In fact, she was ‘drop-dead’ gorgeous, almost as pretty as my wife. (That should make up for the first line). But at this point, I was not thinking about my wife. (There go those points!)

So, I started talking to her. It only seemed natural, especially since Kay was nowhere to be seen at the moment. After all, what could be the harm? We were here, in the same line, and there were many things we had in common. She had bread and milk and cheese and dog food…, and…, well, what could be the harm? We talked a bit and it never occurred to me to mention Kay’s name, nor the fact that I was married. That is, until Kay stepped up with the broccoli and spinach. ‘Oh, by the way, this is my wife, I said sheepishly’.

I looked at Kay and exclaimed. “Hey sweetheart! This lady and I were just talking about dogs!” From Kay’s reaction I know I should douse myself with flea powder as I would be sleeping with the dogs that night.

Such is the scenario of seduction. This scene never really happened. Like the disclaimer on so many television shows, it is only a portrayal of events that might happen. Or is that true?

Every day as a Christian I am confronted with the challenge of denying my first love. I am enthralled with something, or someone and to mention that I am in love with someone else is inconvenient. I would rather appear to be free, unattached and in tune with the times than to confess that I belong to Jesus.

The Bible tells me that I shall love the Lord my God with all of my heart, with all of my strength and with all of my soul. Jesus said that is the first and greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37-38).

Any relationship that puts Jesus in second place will ultimately be destroyed. God commands and clearly states that I shall have no other Gods but Him (Exodus 20:3). This is not only a commandment but also a statement of fact. Any god, person, thing, habit, goal, or desire that I put before the Lord God will ultimately disappoint me and can even destroy me.

Back to the lady in line with me. As we finish our shopping, I am again enthralled with just how beautiful my wife really is. Having her with me has kept me from falling into sin. She has been my salvation from sin and a reminder that I am called to be holy.

Loving God is just that way. Denying Him allows me to drift into shameful relationships and practices. Owning Him openly as my first love gives me the freedom to walk through the shopping lanes of life, completely free to choose the things I want in any aisle, as long as He is recognized as my first love.

Salvation from sin and the grace to keep me from sinning come only in openly acknowledging that Christ is Lord.

Mt 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: