Sleep Peaceful

I will never sleep peaceful without you
Dreams and visions will dance in my head
The things that I see won’t bring joy
They will bring horror and sights that I dread

For only your soft presence can soothe
As I bury my head in your breast
All doubts and worries disappear
You alone bring sweet and deep rest

Peaceful sleep not just for the moment
Not just the absence of terror by night
But as I walk through the day without fear
Depending on your strength and might

Hold me close Dearest Lord, even tighter
Feel your taste and smell with each breath
Give me peaceful sleep as I live
At life’s end, peaceful sleep and not death

Psalm 91:5 KJV Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

John 11:26 NIV and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”